Pre-care Instructions for Lip Tattoo
This is what I like to suggest to clients before they get a lip tattoo.
- Please use a sugar lip scrub 3-5 days before you are getting your lips done to remove dead skin and keep them healthy. I also like to suggest lip balms without petroleum – they moisturize the best.
- I do recommend you take the supplement Lysine 2 days before the procedure and 3 days after. This is an amino acid supplement you can find at Shoppers or really any drug store. This will help prevent cold sores from happening. Just because you have never had a cold sore doesn’t mean you won’t get one!!!
- If you have ever had a cold sore I strongly suggest you see your doctor and get the anti-viral prescription Valtrex. This will prevent a cold sore outbreak you take it the 1-2 days before and 3 days after the procedure.
- Please avoid Advil, Aspirin, Vit E and fish oils 24-48hrs before your appointment. Tylenol is totally fine and you can take it before your appointment to ease discomfort.
- If you have had any lip filler done I like to wait 4 weeks from the time you had it injected. If you are planning on getting lip filler I suggest you do that before we do the lip blush procedure, the results will turn out better.
- Please make sure you eat and drink water before your appointment, it’s important to have a well-balanced body.
Please bring in your favorite lip blush color to your appointment.
Lip Aftercare Instructions
Day 1 (Day of the procedure)
-It is very important to remove the lymph from the surface of the skin in order to avoid heavy scabbing. Right after the procedure clean the lips with damp cotton (Distilled or boiled water) every 30 min until bedtime. If before sleep the lips still have some dry lymph then wash with lukewarm water gently removing the dry lymph, pat dry and apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment (You can find it in the pharmacy section at Wal-mart)
-Sometimes the lips can bruise even after the procedure, do not worry, the bruising will go away within a few hours hours or the next day after the procedure.
For the next few days you will need to avoid spicy food and drink through a straw. Also no whitening toothpaste for 2-4 weeks.
Day 2
-The lips may be swollen the second day as well. Please do not ice the lip’s skin.
– Do 3 warm compresses in a row then wipe, then 1 cool one to remove lymph (morning and evening)
– Keep the skin moist at all times, do not let the lips to be dry.
Day 3-7
-Keep applying the ointment as needed, this means as soon as the lips start feeling dry apply the ointment. You will do this on day 1 and contiune right till day 14 and even longer to keep the lips moist and healthy or until the scabs are gone.
AVOID water (for the PMU area), makeup, excessive sweating, no sauna, no pools, no sunbathing, do not PEEL the scabs at all (you may cause scarring if otherwise). Do not apply anything besides Aquaphor to the lips. NO Vaseline ! During 4 weeks after the procedure is best to not use creams that contain acids or ingredients that will lighten or exfoliate the skin.
The touch up is best done 8 -12 weeks later and allow extra time for clients that heal longer, also give extra healing time for mature clients as well.
The results and longevity of your tattoo will depend on how you take care of it during the healing process and beyond. Each client’s skin will respond differently, in length of time it takes to heal, number of sessions needed for desired results and color retention. Therefore, results cannot be guaranteed. Most clients require 2 sessions the first one to create shape and symmetry, the second session is the perfecting appointment to fill in and add more density if needed.
Advice/Cautions: although rare, excessive swelling or allergic reaction can occur. If this happens consult your doctor. If you have difficulty breathing and/or swallowing call 911 or go to the emergency room.
Pre-Care Instructions for Eyeliner Tattoo
- It is recommended that you eat something before the appointment so your blood sugar levels are stable.
- No excessive alcohol or caffeine 24hrs before the procedure. They are both blood thinners and can cause hypersensitivity, and bleed or bruise more easily.
- Avoid Blood thinning supplements like Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin (Vit B3), Advil/Ibuprofen, and fish oil tablets.
- Eyelash extensions should be removed 3 days prior to appointment
- Also no Lash perm or tinting 3 days prior
- Discontinue Retin-A 1 week prior
- No Botox around that area for 2 weeks
- Lash growth serums bring extra circulation to the eyelash area for growth. This can cause the skin to be hypersensitive and bleed more easily. We recommend discontinuing use for 6-8 weeks before procedure and you cannot resume using them till 8 weeks after your last session
Please note lash serum may or may not fade eyeliner over time
- Please no makeup when you come to the appointment
- No contact lenses please bring glasses with you to appointment
- Be prepared that no makeup is allowed on the eyes during the healing process, this includes, mascara, eyeshadow and serums etc.. for about 2 weeks
- Please no lash stripes or extensions for the first 1-2 months
- Must not be pregnant or nursing
Eyeliner Aftercare Instructions
After an eyeliner procedure
Your eyelids may be puffy or have a “roll” where the needle was used, similar to what you have after a good cry. To reduce swelling you can apply a cool packs on the eyelids with saran wrap as a protective coating to keep the area clean from germs. You can put distilled water on cotton pads and place in fridge for 30 mins then and put on your eyes for 10 mins on 10 mins off.
Swelling and redness are normal the first few days after the procedure. You might even have a slight stinging sensation this is also normal.
Some tenderness, puffiness even bruising are quite normal for the healing process.
The morning after the procedure will likely be when the swelling peaks use the cool cotton pads on your eyes and keep blinking your eyes on a regular basis this will help.
What you should do
On the first day of the procedure you can blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. We have created a wound and all wounds weep body fluid. Blotting off these fluids and excess pigment is critical to get a good result.
That evening clean the area with distilled or boiled water that has been cooled then with a clean cotton pad gently wipe your EYES. Use a gently wash and rinse thoroughly, please only pat dry. Please try and avoid contact lenses the first few days after the procedure if possible.
What you should NOT do in the first 10 days
Use any cosmetics on the procedure area, this includes glycolic acid or AHA, exfoliates or Retinols.
Go into pools, hot tubs, saunas, hot yoga or excessive sweating for 10 days. Also avoid long hot showers and keep the shower head from coming directly into contact with your face.
Keep your fingers and hair away from the pigmented area (Germs can be transmitted and cause infection)
Do NOT peel or pick the protective scab that forms on the eye area or perform activities that will cause excessive sweating, which may cause scab to leave a scar.
Please wait 8 weeks before you use any Lash serums, lash stripes or extensions.
Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds. UV will cause area to fade faster.
Healing: It is normal for the pigment to slough off during the first 10-20 days of the healing process. Although the area will appear to be healed, it will not be fully healed for 6-8 weeks.
Touch ups are recommended every 1-2 years to maintain a desired look.
Most clients require 2 sessions the first one to create shape and symmetry, the second session is the perfecting appointment to fill in and add more density if needed. We suggest 6-8 weeks between each session.
The results and longevity of your Tattoo will depend on how you take care of it during the healing process and beyond. Each client’s skin will respond differently, in length of time it takes to heal, number of sessions needed for desired results and color retention. Therefore, results cannot be guaranteed.
Advice/Cautions: Although rare excessive swelling or allergic reaction can occur. If this happens consult your doctor. If you have difficulty breathing and/or swallowing call 911 or go to the emergency room.
Pre-care Instructions Eyebrow Tattoo
- It is recommended that you eat something before the appointment so your blood sugar levels are stable
- No excessive alcohol or caffeine 24hrs before the procedure. They are both blood thinners and can cause hypersensitivity, and bleed or bruise more easily.
- Avoid blood thinning supplements like Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin (Vit B3), Advil/Ibuprofen, and fish oil tablets.
- Eyebrow waxing or tinting should be 3 days prior
- Discontinue Retin-A 1 week prior
- No Botox around that area for 2 weeks before or after procedure
- Be prepared that no makeup is allowed near the eyebrow area during the healing process, this includes, powder, foundation, and brow products for about 2 weeks
- Must not be pregnant or nursing
Eyebrow Aftercare Instructions
What you should do
On the first day of the procedure you can blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. That evening clean the area with distilled or boiled water that has been cooled then with a clean cotton pad gently wipe your brows and then apply ointment. To help with the healing process use the aftercare anti-oxidant 3x a day for 7-10 days. Do NOT overuse, it suffocates the skin. Use a gentle wash like Cetaphil and rinse thoroughly, please only pat dry.
What you should expect
Your skin’s reaction will depend on how sensitive your skin is and on your health condition. A good indication to how you skin will react to permanent make up is to compare it with how your skin normally looks like after you receive a shot, a bug bite, or cut.
After an eyebrow procedure
You will feel very tight and have a heavy feeling or slight headache. You can take something to ease the discomfort.
What you should NOT do in the first 10 days
Use any cosmetics on the procedure area, this includes glycolic acid or AHA, exfoliates or Retinols.
Go into pools, hot tubs, saunas, hot yoga or excessive sweating for 10 days. Also avoid long hot showers and keep the shower head from coming directly into contact with your face.
Keep your fingers and hair away from the pigmented area (Germs can be transmitted and cause infection)
Do not peel or pick the protective scab that forms on area or perform activities that will cause excessive sweating, which may cause scab to leave a scar.
Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds. UV will cause area to fade faster.
Once healed you can apply an SPF 40-50 stick to your eyebrows to protect them from fading.
It is normal for the pigment to slough off during the first 10-20 days of the healing process. Although the area will appear to be healed, it will not be fully healed for 6-8 weeks.
Touch ups are recommended every 1-2 years to maintain a desired look.
Advice/Cautions: Although rare excessive swelling or allergic reaction can occur. If this happens consult your doctor. If you have difficulty breathing and/or swallowing call 911 or go to the emergency room.
The results and longevity of your tattoo will depend on how you take care of it during the healing process and beyond. Each client’s skin will respond differently, in length of time it takes to heal, number of sessions needed for desired results and color retention. Therefore, results cannot be guaranteed.
Most clients require 2 sessions the first one to create shape and symmetry, the second session is the perfecting appointment to fill in and add more density if needed.
Microneedling Pre-Care Instructions
Needling is based on the skin’s natural ability to repair itself. Skin Needling treatments create superficial “micro-channels” to the outermost layer of the skin, allowing nutrients via serum deeper into the skin, and inducing the healing process, including new collagen and elastin production. It also aims to break down scar tissue, resulting in a cascading skin healing and re-modelling response. Skin Needling has been shown to reduce the visibility of scars, as well as stimulate natural pigmentation in the area.
Please avoid the following FIVE DAYS prior to treatment:
• Topical prescriptions including but not limited to Retin-A, Tretinoin, Differin, Tazorac
• Abrasive scrubs or other exfoliating products including peels and laser treatments
• Cosmetic injections such as botox and filler within the last TWO WEEKS
I understand possible side effects include and are not limited to:
Slight or extreme redness, histamine reaction, tightness of the skin, swelling, bleeding, stinging, itchy, tender, dry or flaking skin. In rare instances, hyperpigmentation/hypopigmentation, scarring, or infection can occur. I UNDERSTAND THAT I SHOULD ONLY APPLY PRODUCTS RECOMMENDED BY MY CLINICIAN POST TREATMENT INCLUDING SPF 30.
Most side effects will gradually diminish over time as healing may take several days. Notify your practitioner if any side effects cause extreme discomfort or any unexpected problems occur immediately.
I understand that this procedure is being performed for cosmetic reasons and that no guarantee can be made as to the exact results of this procedure. I understand that every precaution will be taken to prevent complications and that complications from this procedure are rare, they can and sometimes do occur. Although the results can be dramatic, I have been informed that the practice of medicine is not an exact science and that no guarantees can be or have been made concerning the expected results in my case. Multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal results.
Microneedling Aftercare Instructions
Immediately after your Microneedling procedure, do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation. Avoid makeup for the rest of the day.
Follow these simple steps:
After your procedure, your practitioner may apply a serum or moisturizing cream, and sunscreen before you leave. Only apply aftercare recommended or provided by the practitioner.
Day 1: On the next day, you may clean your face as usual with a gentle cleanser and apply makeup, lotions and other topical products as usual. Try to use natural products will little or no alcohol content. Stay away from exfoliants, glycolic acids and retinols that are present is cleaners as these can make your skin very dry after the procedure. Be sure to use an approved SPF30 or higher sunscreen!
Days 2-7: Within two (2) days following your Micro-Needling procedure, you will notice skin dryness and flaking. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. During this period, you may apply your regular skin moisturizer.
Follow the instructions given to you by your practitioner. If your practitioner needled around the eyes, you may have a little micro bruising that may exist for three or four days. This can easily be covered with makeup. Avoid saunas, hot tubs, hot showers and excessive sweating for these few days. Also avoid waxing, facials, botox filler injections or any other skin care treatments for the next 2-4 weeks.
Days later, your skin will start shedding. These are skin layers that would regularly shed a week later, but the Micro-Needling brings this skin to the surface sooner. During this temporary process, your skin will shed and be dry.
Days 7+: A week after the Micro-Needling procedure, most patients notice that their skin is smoother and more radiant. Results vary, but usually a course of 1-3 treatments (maximum of 6, depending on the condition being treated) is typically recommended. If you require MORE procedures than this, you may have an unrecognized underlying medical condition and should consult with your provider. This is not the case for treatment of scars as these will sometimes require more treatments. Of course, results may vary from patient to patient. Keep in mind that the healthier your body is, the better will be the results you achieve from a Microneedling procedure. Your body’s function and overall health are reflected in your skin.
If there is anything else you would like to discuss prior to your appointment please let us know